Terms and Conditions
(User Agreement)
Renter must be 21 years of age or older.
Renter shall be present during the entire event at the facility, including during its cleaning after the event.
Liquor: (A) No liquor of any nature, including beer, wine, or distiled spirits shall be brought into, used, dispensed, or located upon any portion of the facility unless the undersigned has indicated previous to the event that liquor will be served or dispensed. Renter will provide a Certificate of Liability insurance policy with $1 million coverage..(B) 1f the Township grants permission for the use of liquor in the facility, only beer and wine products may be served or dispensed, but may not be sold. No cash bar is permitted. No distilled liquor or spirits shall be dispensed, served, or otherwise located on the premises of the facility. (C) No alcoholic beverage of any type will be dispensed or served to or consumed by any guest under 21 years of age. Any person attending the event must have upon his or her person sufficient proof and evidence that such person is 21 years of age or older if beer or wind products are being consumed. (D) No person under 21 years of age shall be permitted to dispense or serve any alcoholic beverage at the facility.
Insurance: If there is to be alcohol served, the Renter needs to provide a Certificate of Liability insurance policy with $1 million coverage.
Kitchen use: If kitchen use is Indicated as a facility to be used by the renter, (A) When using the stove, it is to be cleaned thoroughly and free of food & grease.
Smoking: No smoking w/in 15 ft. of building. Use smoking stand for cig. butts.
Management: The privileges granted the renter shall not constitute a waiver of management rights, and the Township, as owner, retains full and and complete rights to manage and control the premises and to enforce all rules and regulations it deems necessary for the management and operation of the building and the facilities contained therein. The Township/Agents may enter and have access to all areas of the facility and building at any time, whether during the event or otherwise.
Compliance with Law: Every person, Including renter and renter's agents, patrons, guests, and any person admitted to the premises by renter, connected with said event shall comply with all laws of the United States, the State of IL, County of Macon, and the Village of Oreana, together with all requirements of any police, sheriff, or fire departments and will not do, nor allow to be done, anything on said premises during the term of the agreement in violation of any such law or ordinances.
Copyrights, etc: Renter assumes all costs arising from the use of patented, trademarked, or copyrighted materials, equipment, or processes used in the conduct of any event held by renter at the facility or in the building and agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless the Village of Oreana and Whitmore Township from all damage, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees, on account of the use of any such materials, equipment, devises, or processes by renter or its agents, performers, patrons, or guests. Renter shall pay all royalties, license fee or other charges accruing or becoming due by reason of any music, live or recorded, or any other entertainment of any kind played, stages, or produced by renter, or its agents on the premises.
Costs: In the event any expense is incurred by the Township in enforcing any term or provision of this agreement, by legal action, collection outside of legal action, or otherwise, including damages to the premises or facilities, then the Township shall recover its costs and expenses so incurred as well as attorney fees, court costs, and litigation expenses.
Renters and/or guests shall use no nails, tacks, staples cellophane tape, masking tape, duct tape, adhesive tape or any other type of tape to attach any banners, signs or decorations or any other materials to the walls in any part of the Community Center. Damage to walls may results in partial or total loss of cleaning and damage deposit.
Cellophane or masking tape may only be used to attach signs or decorations to doors provided that such tape and any tape residue is totally removed at the end of the rental period.
There is to be absolutely NO glitter - period.
Lightweight decorations, signs or banners may be attached to suspended ceiling track in main hall only with string or light-weight wire (provided such string or wire is totally removed with removal of said decorations, signs or banners). Damage to ceiling tiles resulting from use of such string or wire may result in partial or total loss of cleaning and damage deposit.Indemnification: To the extent provided by law, renter will at all times defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Village of Oreana, Illinois and Whitmore Township, Macon County, lllinois, and their respective board members, officers, employees and agents, in both individual and official capacities (herein collectively referred to as "indemnities") against any and all losses, costs, damages, expenses, and liabilities (collectively referred to as "losses") of whatsoever nature (including but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, litigation, and court costs, including investigative and discovery costs, amounts paid in settlement, and amounts paid to discharge judgments ) directly or indirectly resulting arising out of or relating to all claims, lawsuits, causes of action, and other legal or equitable actions and proceedings of whatsoever nature made or brought against the indemnities' or to which the indemnities' are a party or anyone or more of them, that directly or Indirectly resuit from, arise out of, or relate to, (1) the use and occupancy of any part of the facility described above or any part of the building in which the facility exists, (2) all claims for bodily Injury or death, and for damages whatsoever to any person arising out of the conduct, use of, or thing whatsoever done in or about the facilities or premises or equipment or furnishings contained therein or any part thereof, or arising out of the condition of any portion of the premises or facility or equipment. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this agreement. The provisions contained in this paragraph shall not exempt the indemnities' from liability for damages for Injury to person or property caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of the indemnities'.
Offices: Under no circumstances do any of the terms of this lease authorize any renter to enter, occupy, or use any part or all of the offices indicated as Village or Township offices or any other office located in the buliding in which the facilities exist.
Village Ordinances: The Whitmore/Oreana Community Center is located within and surrounded by the Oreana Park. This Park is owned by and belongs to the Village of Oreana, The parking lot located east of the building is also owned by the VIilage of Oreana. The renter, by executing this agreement acknowledges receipt of a copy attached to this agreement of Chapter XIV- Parks, being Village of Oreana Ordinance which contains the regulations and penalty pertaining to the uses and prohibitions of Oreana Park.
Building Manager Approval: It is agreed and understood by the renter that this agreement is invalid unless and until the Township's Building Manager of the building indicates approval.